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Kookaburra Klaus

latest news

Kookaburra Klaus

Hannah Cattanach

Knowing kookaburras live 15 years on average makes it fun getting to know the locals in the backyard. This bird, Klaus, spent 3 weeks hanging with Joel & Luisa, as they created new garden beds near Koala Alley. 

He swooped in for the worms they dug up, saved them from spiders, and followed them around the forest. Joel & Luisa marked the sweet connection - and Klaus's contribution - with a special bird house, which he seems to love.

We set up a table and chairs in the the newly revitalised patch of garden - Klaus's patch - where we've been lunching most days since. And the day Joel & Luisa left, he flew down to join as we had cake and champagne to bid them farewell.