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Night Air - a poem from Kevin Pearson's upcoming book

Hannah Cattanach

Night Air - a poem inspired by the swarming chorus of lorikeets as they settle in along the Noosa River at dusk - will feature in the latest collection of works by iconic Melbourne-based poet, Kevin Pearson.*

The new book, The Complete Apparition, is Kevin's 17th, and follows titles including The Apparition's Daybook and The Apparition at Large.

Kevin and Hannah, the Creative Director of Black Pepper Publishing, are longtime friends of ours, and visited Plum Gorgeous for Christmas in 2016.

Plum Gorgeous Noosa

“This poem draws on a memory of our evening picnic by Noosa River with the Lorikeets,” Kevin says.

“You may remember that the Apparition does not exist unless perceived. This is an evocation of Him.”

For details and to be notified when the book is launched,
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*UPDATE: The Complete Apparition is now available! Click here for details. 🦜