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Work with us

Workaway at plum gorgeous

Plum Gorgeous runs with the support of skilled volunteers who over the years have helped to
regenerate native rainforest habitats, create new walking tracks, establish irrigation systems, and more.

We welcome people from all over the globe. Please apply through the Workaway program

People with qualifications and skills in trades, engineering, environmental management,
or sustainability are especially encouraged to apply.



Chainsaws, axes, mowers and tractors — I had such an amazing time in this tropical paradise! Thanks for welcoming me into your home and setting me loose in your garden.
— Matthew, Biologist from the UK
It’s hard to do justice in words for what a wonderful experience we had staying here. It’s my happy place
— Sam, Entomologist from Northumberland, UK
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I had so much fun helping build the fernery, and seeing all the little creatures that share your garden. This has all been so much better than I could have imagined.
— Ellie, Student from Cardiff, UK

Your family was the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me as I made first contact with Australia.
— Tomaz, Renewable Energy Expert from Slovenia
We’ll miss this special place — all the bonfires, mulching, chopping down trees, and racing in the golf cart. We’ll always remember it.
— John & Yvandi, South Africa
I’ve come to appreciate nature and the work that goes into conserving it so much more these past weeks. I loved it
— Emma, Designer from Cambridge
A day out on Noosa River with Alex and Brooke
Walking in the rainforest, going to the beach, checking out Eumundi markets, and working with bamboo — I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you!
— Amelie, Opthamologist from Montreal

I joined a family of truly genuine people – and left knowing I was saying goodbye to special friends.
— James, IT Security Manager from California
This was my first experience with Workaway and it couldn’t have been a more perfect one.
— Freddie, Social Worker from Germany

Current Openings 

We're currently looking for volunteers who are interested in helping design and develop a "sensory" element to the Meditation Walk. People with building, trades, architectural and gardening skills are of great help. Volunteering does not include assisting with wildlife in care. All applications through Workaway please. 

see you soon

Filmed at Plum Gorgeous by Tim Spalding

We welcome people from all over the globe. Please apply through the Workaway program