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Our Philosophy


Our philosophy

The intended energy and culture of Plum Gorgeous is predicated on and seeks to always circle back to the Buddhist concept:

Metta / mɛtə

Drawn from the Pali word mētta, meaning ‘loving-kindness’,
it is the Buddhist name for a form of meditation dedicated to
cultivating deep love, respect and understanding for all beings.

Metta is a state of recognising both our connection to - and detachment from - everything around us.
It is an attitude of recognizing that all sentient beings (which includes far more than humans generally acknowledge),
can feel good or bad and that, when given the choice, all will choose to experience the best for themselves.

Metta is a recognition of the basic solidarity we have with others
– our shared aspiration to escape suffering and experience fulfillment.

And so, our guiding philosophy is to show loving kindness for all species and aspects of the ecosystem. 

Metta is empathy. It’s the willingness to see the world from another’s point of view, and to walk a mile in another’s shoes.

Metta is the desire that all sentient beings be well. It is the practice of sending best wishes
to those we’re around or who we think about in meditation and throughout our day.

Metta is consideration, kindness, generosity. It is an attitude of friendliness and a reverence for the world around us.
To wish another well is to wish that they be in a state of experiencing Metta.

It is the basis for compassion – when our Metta meets another’s suffering, it transforms into compassion. 


It is the basis for shared joy – when our Metta meets another’s happiness and good fortune, it explodes into collective joy.

Metta is boundless. It can magnify or transmute any emotion, and we can feel Metta for any sentient being, irrespective of gender, race, religion or even species.

Metta is recognition that there is space for and inherent value to all sentient beings. All species deserve to be fulfilled and free from suffering.

Metta is the most fulfilling emotional state that we can know. It’s the fulfillment of the emotional development of every being. It speaks to our inherent potential and provides answers to problems that other resources simply can’t solve.

At heart, the aim of our work at Plum Gorgeous is a perpetual practice of mētta meditation.

It is from this centered space that the clarity to act wisely to create positive change arises.

To make the most of your time in the rainforest, we invite you to join us in this practice.

Here are details for how you might get started.