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featured articles


Stories from the Sunshine Coast

A collection of latest news & CREATIVE GIFTS FROM OUR GUESTS


Remembering Jana

A place for friends to read and share memories of Jana, including some moments from her farewell ceremony. ❤️


Meet Australia’s gliders

Plum Gorgeous is thrilled to join the Queensland Glider Network to help protect these elusive, native marsupials.


Australia’s blazing end to the decade

Australia’s summer of 2019-2020 was characterised by catastrophic bushfires. The fire season started in winter and for various states, it was the worst on record.

Hannah published this piece about the situation.

How to help Wildlife through Black SummeR

Thank you to everyone who has contacted us since hearing about Australia’s bushfire crisis. Plum Gorgeous has not been hit by the fires, we are grateful to say. Here is an update on what’s happening at the property, plus some local organisations to follow and support.

Tribute to Stephanie

Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Stephanie Simpson, following a fatal hiking accident in New Zealand.

Stephanie will always be remembered here.


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"Sometimes you just get lucky"

My new home is on a private sanctuary dedicated to saving wildlife and rejuvenating native plants. In 2 weeks, we nursed back to health 4 magpies, housed 2 adorable possums and a baby bird that had been injured by a cat.  Published by Lee Wagner on

A beloved local - Klaus

Knowing that kookaburras live 15 years on average makes it fun getting to know the locals in the backyard. Klaus spent 3 weeks hanging with our wonderful Workaways, Joel & Luisa, as they created new garden beds near Koala Alley. 

This WonderFUL Place

a poem by Guest "Super Dave" RichaRDS



We spotted Bangalow Palm seeds growing at the local garden centre. These are plants you can't buy; they’re out of fashion and nobody wants them. But for regenerating the rainforest? They're invaluable! So we went round and dug up nearly 300 of them...

Published by Charlotte Styles on


Having spent three weeks here in July--helping to regenerate this rainforest patch of paradise--it was great to see the changes spring had brought, and to introduce Mark to a family that felt like my second family while in Australia... 

Published by Charlotte Styles on

See You Soon

Song cover by Tim SPALDING, Filmed at Plum Gorgeous


Watch in HD. Early Coldplay cover- filmed in a rainforest near Noosa.


Creating a sanctuary -- chapter one

Jana and David were looking for a serene spot to potter about in their retirement but Plum Gorgeous soon became more than that...

Written by Hannah and published by Landcare Australia.

forest showers and dappled sunshine 

We got up early on our last day so we could spend one last hour planting at 'Lover's Copse' -- the wonderful spot we developed during our week there. The little pool now flows into the creek and is freed from weeds to allow palm trees, Golden Oak and sweet smelling flowering plants to flourish, attracting birds and forest dwellers...

Published by Sam and Drew on


Night Air

A poem inspired by the swarming chorus of lorikeets settling along the Noosa River at dusk. Published in the latest collection of works by iconic Australian poet, Kevin Pearson.