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Australia's Black Summer

latest news

Australia's Black Summer

Hannah Cattanach

We would like to send a big THANK YOU to all who have contacted us since hearing about Australia’s bushfire crisis. There have been a number of fires on the Sunshine Coast since September but - thankfully – we are fine here at Plum Gorgeous. We deeply appreciate your concern.

Australia has been experiencing its worst bushfire season to date, exacerbated by climate change and a lack of political will to address it. Hannah has written all about it in a new article on Medium.

We are lucky to have four trained and experienced volunteers returning to support the flora and fauna of Plum Gorgeous.

For everyone who has enquired - the most direct way to help right now is to donate to rescue and rehabilitation organisations that are hands-on caring for Australian wildlife. Even small donations make a big impact for volunteer-run organisations.

Please consider donating to one of the following groups:


QLD Bat Rescue:

Wildcare Queensland:

The RSPCA Wildlife Hospital:

Thanks again for the offers of support and for the extraordinary amount of hard work previous volunteers have done to ensure our rainforest home is as fireproof as possible.

We couldn't do what we do without our Workaway family.
