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FULL TEXT Welcome page

Welcome to Plum Gorgeous

a private conservation habitat & rainforest retreat on Australia's Sunshine Coast. 
Tucked between the eminent Eumundi Markets & downtown Noosa, Plum Gorgeous is set on 12 acres of remnant & rejuvenated native bushland, 15 minutes from the beach.

Visit Us

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Visit with AirBnb

Bookings are occasionally available on AirBnB, offering a guesthouse for 2 with king bed and ensuite. Located 10 minutes from the Eumundi markets, 20 minutes from Noosa main beach & National Park. Extra rooms available for bookings of 3-6.
*If booking calendar blocked, enquire via:*



Join the community of the dozens of incredible, skilled volunteers we've hosted through the global Workaway program. 
For information on the projects we offer, and the skills we're looking for, see the Work With Us page, or click below to join and apply through the Workaway site.



Plum Gorgeous is part of the Wildlife Land Trust's Sanctuaries You Can Stay network, which links environmentally conscious landholders with likeminded hosts and eco-friendly accommodation while travelling. We warmly welcome and offer a special price to other WLT members visiting QLD.

I can’t think of a better place to have come to relax and recalibrate after my Vipassana retreat. Just Magical.
— Betty from the Netherlands
It’s hard to do justice in words for what a wonderful experience we had staying here. It’s my happy place.
— Sam from Nothumberland, UK

Take a tour


The fairies in our jungle are the nicest of all the fairies. They leave really good surprises and I love them.
— Isabella, aged 4