Hannah Cattanach
You gotta love getting encouraging signs from the Universe. Or in this case from local council who this week conducted the second annual review of rainforest regeneration efforts on the property, in line with the conservation plan we designed with them upon joining Land for Wildlife.
Lots of locals made a cameo during the visit; including ducks waddling beside the driveway, and a mob of wallabies calmly grazing as we passed through the back meadow - a joey poking out of a pouch to watch us.
Before leaving, our Land for Wildlife partner, Marc, presented us with a new sign that reads:
Rainforest Retreat and Private Conservation Area
All native plants and animals protected.
It marks the recent signing of a voluntary conservation agreement with Council, which locks up a large portion of land, protecting it from development for decades to come. Excited to say, it looks like we're going to need a bigger letterbox display!
The review also coincided with the 3 year anniversary of Jana and David buying Plum Gorgeous, which made popping champagne at Noosa Surf Club while drawing new letterbox designs on the back of beer coasters feel all the more bubbly.